Our celebrations really took off as we had the privilege to witness Beth's Graduation last Friday 3rd July. Beth now has a BA (Hons) to her name after acheiving a 2.1 in her Social Work Degree. She has started work today! It was a special day as together Anita and me, along with Jonny and our two Mum's were able to watch Beth receive her Degree from the University of Reading Chancellor, Sir John Madejski. During Friday evening we were able to take the whole family (minus grand-children!) to the Oracle for a great meal at Bella Italia.
We are ready for a holiday in order to try and catch up of some rest and some very kind friends are letting us use part of their property in Wales for a week soon.
One of the things having to deal with fighting cancer has done, is to have opened our eyes to a whole "community" of people who are each going through treatment for different cancers. These are a truly amazing community of people who help provide encouragement to one another. I have been amazed to witness the sense of humour that sometimes exists in the waiting rooms for chemotherapy and readiotherapy.
Things we are grateful for:
- Getting to this point in our journey and for Anita's general well being despite everything she has been through
- Beth's achievement during a time of varied and great family pressures - and for all our family who have each been a great help and encouragement. We are proud of all of our girls and their lovely families
- Our church family and friends, who have stood with us in the trenches and in the wilderness. thank you for your special care and sensitivity to us. You are in our hearts.
- Friends who have cared through text messages, letters and cards - these have so often arrived at exactly the right time.
Things we are praying for:
- In our celebrations and thanksgiving we are VERY concious of friends who are at various stages in fighting the battle against cancer. We stand with Karena, Jo and Penny and so want them to come soon to the day when they can celebrate. Please pray for them, their spouses and families.
- Anita's body to fully recover from treatment and surgery - this takes it's toll and we really don't want anything adverse to happen to her in the months and years ahead.
- Wisdom and insight as to how we can support people from across the communities we are part of, who are dealing with cancer related issues and battles
Thank you everybody and thank you God!